how i wish what i see is not true
how i wish i didnt see it
how i wish u didnt do dat to me
how i wish u would b honest
how i wish u would never ever do dat
how i wish dat i would never gonna be broken by that
n how i wish the tears would never falls down
i wish dat wishes would all come true~
Monday, 27 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
senam aerobik y memenatkan
"wei thah, at 9 we had a practice for the aerobic thing..come down fast.. everybody's waiting fo u.."
ha?? i mean SERIOUSLY!!
i had already dreaming myself sleeping till noon..n after all the hardwork n pulun buat keje for da assignment,presentation and file checking in a one day, i really-really need a nice soundlessly nap babe..
see? da bed is calling me~
so mmg kne p la ni? xle skip ka?? huhuuu... excuse k..
yala..yala ..i gonna b abit late..nk siap2 lu~
at da gym
weh korg , asal buat pgi..xpnat ke duk pulun kemarin..haih
dh-dh lettew, stop all da mumbling ..
yala..yala..start jom
practice for a while then stop cause there were not enough members showed up..fine ckp sume turun...tgk2 ade gk y x dtg...xpa la ujian lettew -_-"
such a waste la...bkn senang anak pok wa ni nk turun gym i decided to play squash ..alahai bgusny..y ttbe jdik active ni..i dnt know me self..huhuu...playing all by myself and then only did i know that it was not easy to flung the racket.. tu la sape suh maen sorg2 ..xdak sape nk ajo lettew..ok forever alone (@_@")
and still there was another badnews.
another practice would b held dat we r supposed to prctice at 930 ..penatnya Allah je la y tw..dh la x mkn..during practice pon perut duk singing song cm konsert rock kapak gitu..penat mmg penat tp laook at others determination nk siapkn senam aerobik tu xkn nk buat muke monyok i keep smiling wlaupon x brape ikhlas..sorry cz perasaan lapo tu menghantui diri huhu..yet, da practice was good and i think that i kind of liking abut diz stuff. being active is not a bad just a bit tiring..then eventhought i was meant to take charge in stretching , i had chance to help dilla with a few steps dat i know tntang cha~cha dance cz she dont really find it was easy.. so its fun to help the other members.. :) weey ~
wif cik dilla y gorgeous~<3
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
photo editor
phff..recently i got caught in a photo editor's maniac..kind of addicted to one as i get myself stuck with it..funny thing is the one that i used had lots of functions.. n actually im not really surprise to get to know the functions s i had one in my phone before..but thing is easier to edit by using lappy..and the result was hilarious photo was like a cartoon rather than a human being..see!
![]() |
sian adiqku, mukamu dconteng just fo a demo :) |
warning: da pic above is seriously juz a matter of editing
im a worse photo editor ,really.
the only thing that i can use perfectly is setting da effect, cropping n da basic thing hahaa
so i decided not to edit to much like diz one..
just set it to the right effect would suit me better..
lets us just be ourself..
n of course because im not that diligent to edit
Friday, 10 February 2012
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