
Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Alhamdulillah :)

wen i heard abut da news i was like "wow"
now Islam is getting stronger..InsyaAllah
eventhought im not really noe much abut all da political stuff in Egypt..but da news made me smile all day, noeing dat Mursyi is going to built da better world fo Islam in egypt..

heres more detils abut it ; click sini

oh tablemates ;)

my tablet y ohsome

hwahahaa..kami ohsem kerana kami amalkan ohsem 1 n ohsem 2 setiap hari..


ni lak big bossie .. org pling ohsem =="

miss invi

n of course
cik mira da kanggarooo
y hot sentap

cik tun pon ohsem..
ah, ape2 la
ape pon y kmi buat 
kami ohsem

Sunday, 3 June 2012

oh snappy snap

tjuk bebelan hri ini : oh snappy snap

pics r everywhere
well people nowadays r so mad with snapping matter where they go
even dlm toilet pon nk take pics gk ..
yela bkn sume pon ley msuk toilet tu an

 ( =_=')


 then upload 
msuk fb
people all around da world ley tgk muke dpn cermin kt singki toilet uh


bile pikir2 blik

awat la xdak keje bebeno tuh..

mayb not all,
juz a few o them..maybe they dont realize dat it iz not such a suitable place fo
snapping pics..
wateva la , all we cn do iz HUSNUZON jeh..

k lets take a look bezany take pics zmn ice age dolu2 an zmn skrg nih

olddays dlu2 :

klu amek pics msti skali gn pmandagan y peaceful n cntik2..
 then ble kengkwn TERtgk
 rmai la y menyibukkan dri bertnye
" eh ktne ni? cantikny pmndgan.. nk p jgk la!"
ha tgk kn ttbe je ley jdik model pelncongan tuh..
xyah sush2 nk msuk Next Top Model segala bagai..
ley promote mesia
brula mesia ni mju n gah huhuuu~

nowadays :

i dnt noe y but we LLLOOOVEEEE

source : mr google
to take pics with our head stuck up close to da cmera

prasan dak??
pmandagn nmpak cetoet je kt tepi uh
tp muke je gedabak cm pe ntah
tol dak???
hahhaa actly pmndgn y kononny nk amek tu nmpk skit ja,muke je tyang lebih

xyah nk tipu la xbuat cmtu..
cz i do it myself kn3...

source : mr google

dh mmg trend cmtu an 
we juz follow da trend  lorh


well x slh pn bnde tuh 
its normal .. xdakny people nk judge korg ni paranormal ke ape sbb snap pic cmtu an
laen r klu korg snap pic tp xdak kpale
k ape k an

i'm just thinking abut it n 
sje je la nk highlight kn ..sbb cik bulat pon de talking abut diz wif me
and i think,seriously it is interesting how 
techno had change us 
in such a small thing like diz..

it can b such an issue to b think of
ha tgk
Mr B surely proud o us fo taking SocialStudies seriously like diz 
hah such a lame xcuse

moral o da value..nk amek pics pon agak2 r 
jgn r smpai msuk toilet un nk snap pics gk an..
its not a crime just not appropriate 
wasalam ;)

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